Navigating the Business of Beauty: Essential Legal and Financial Tips for Makeup Artists

Running a makeup business involves more than just talent and creativity; it requires a solid understanding of legal and financial matters. In this blog post, we’ll explore the often-overlooked aspects of managing a makeup business, including legal requirements, financial planning, and tax obligations, and provide practical tips on navigating these complexities. Legal Requirements Understanding and […]

Career Development


Five Black-Owned Beauty Brands To Have On Your Radar


How To Help Your Business Survive Lockdown


How to build a Makeup portfolio that brings you bookings


Are you struggling to get customers? Follow this formula…


As well as making the shift to working from home over the past 12 months, learning from home has also been on the rise. In fact, one online course provider reported that the number of people registering for their courses had risen by over 500%! Whether you are just looking to keep the boredom at […]

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Career Development

In the competitive world of beauty, building a loyal clientele is key to long-term success. It’s not just about attracting new clients; it’s about keeping them coming back. In this blog post, we’ll share strategies for building and maintaining strong relationships with clients to ensure repeat business and referrals. Customer Service Excellence Providing exceptional customer […]

Building a Loyal Clientele: Secrets to Sustaining Long-Term Success in the Beauty Industry

Career Development

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Entering the world of makeup artistry is an exciting journey, but it can also be fraught with challenges, especially for newcomers. To help you navigate this path successfully, we’ve outlined the top five mistakes new makeup artists often make and provided actionable advice on how to avoid them. 1. Pricing Errors One of the most […]

The Top 5 Mistakes New Makeup Artists Make and How to Avoid Them

Career Development

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In the ever-evolving world of beauty and makeup artistry, standing out is crucial. Developing a signature style not only sets you apart but also creates a unique brand identity that attracts your ideal clientele. In this blog post, we’ll explore the importance of having a signature look, how to develop it, and effective strategies for […]

Creating Signature Looks: How to Develop and Market Your Unique Style

Career Development

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If you’re serious about making your mark and crafting your artistry dreams into a living reality, mastering the business side of your beauty career is non-negotiable! Here’s why – Reason #1: Creative Alone Won’t Cut It Anymore 🎨 Having the talent to create stunning looks is certainly important, but in today’s competitive market, creativity alone […]

💥 The Shocking Truth: Why Makeup Talent Alone Won’t Cut It If You Want To Build A Booming Beauty Biz

Career Development

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Embarking on a freelance makeup artist career is a thrilling journey, but it’s not without its challenges. If you’ve ever felt daunted by the prospect of going solo in the beauty industry, rest assured, you’re not alone. In this guide, we’ll navigate the ins and outs of being a freelance MUA and most importantly – […]

Navigating Freelance Lifestyle: A Success Guide for Makeup Artist’s


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If you want to be taken seriously as a professional makeup artist, it is crucial to be proficient in working with people of all skin tones! If you don’t feel fully confident in your skillset when it comes to mastering all skin tones, it’s a good idea to brush up on your skills & get […]

Beyond the Palette: The Imperative of Makeup Artists Mastering All Skin Tones


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I think I can speak on behalf of many of us when I say I’m not even over 2020, let alone ready for 2022! But however we may feel, it’s undeniable that a new year is just around the corner. There’s always something about the clock ticking to midnight and a new year arriving that […]

Making 2022 YOUR YEAR as a MUA!

Career Development

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Dreaming of kickstarting a career in makeup – but finding that all available courses are just out of reach? At KLMA we have some discounts in place that are here to make your MUA career possible! Now’s your chance to get up to 50% off all our online courses. Plus, as an added bonus… our […]

Kickstart Your Makeup Career with our Black Friday Deals!


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Choosing to repeat affirmations on a monthly, weekly or even daily basis is one of the best choices we can make for ourselves. The magic of affirmation power is that we don’t even have to believe what we are saying (yet). Just the act of repeating affirmations to ourselves begins to reprogram and shift any […]

The Magic of Affirmation Power!


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Avoid overwhelm and build your kit with confidence. Although our Pro Courses have the luxury of a KLMA Pro kit included in the fee, your kit will continue to grow and develop alongside your artistry. Nothing beats being organised and knowing exactly where to start! Get yours below today!

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Kit checklist 

Nothing better than being prepared!

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