Become Unstoppable...

Courses Enrolling Now


121 Lessons

Create a personalised plan and learn on a 121 basis to ensure you're getting the best learning possible to reach your goals. Take our 6 day accredited course or our Learn Your Own Face Programme.

Flexible to your schedule!
develop your timetable.


Artist Education Programme

Our unrivalled college equivalent. An advanced & fully comprehensive course which covers all areas of Makeup Artistry, Business and MORE!!

10 weeks
STARTING thurSDAY 26TH september 2024,(9AM-3PM)



From marketing, mind-set, finances, and social media growth, this course is designed for those who have already trained as a makeup artist but need help with the next steps of driving their business forward and into success. 

online business growth course 


Pro Hairstyling

Designed for those wanting to learn the techniques needed to become an on trend session stylist or Pro MUA’s looking to add another valuable service to their repetoire

Part time - 5 weeks
Wednesday 25th september 2024 (9-3pm)


Learn Your Own Face

Lost when it comes to makeup?
This course is designed to teach you how to flawlessly apply every element of your own makeup and learn the skills you wish you knew long ago!

online course with instant access

"I went from barely paying my bills to quitting my job and finally having a career i love."

Being a single mum of two, i was somebody who worked to live, constantly juggling the kids and other responsibilities. Deciding to do the course felt overwhelming at first, but the girls were so lovely and supportive i knew instantly i'd picked the right place to train. Being a professional makeup artist and hairstylist has given me the freedom to work the hours i want, and not only that, i now live to work! I feel totally passionate about what i do, which is a feeling i never thought possible."


tripled her income

Hear from others who were once in your shoes...

"If you're on the fence, let me just say... stop thinking about booking a makeup course and do it with KLMA!"

It's the best thing i've ever done! Kiera & Tal are the ultimate professionals. They are masters of makeup, incredibly supportive and perfectionists. The skills i learnt on this course i would never have learnt from any youtube or instagram videos. I spent 12 weeks at KLMA and met some wonderful likeminded people who were equally as passionate about a career in makeup as me & i am incredible sad to say goodbye. I can't believe where i started and where i am now thanks to Kiera & KLMA - Thankyou ladies your knowledge & support has been instrumental to me setting up and succeeding in my own freelance makeup artist career".  


scaled her business by 5x

"It's worth every penny and honestly all i talk about!"

Absolutley loved training here! The academy is immaculate and staff are always on hand for anything you need. I always had a passion for makeup but never really knew where i wanted to go with it. The girls helped encourage me and see my options for the future, giving me advice and helping me to form an action plan. Not only does KLMA offer the best service and training, but i left feeling great within my own skin and empowered to follow my own dreams!"


Became a salon owner

Find out more

Our 1-1 private lessons enable us to create a unique blend of curriculum and bespoke KLMA syllabus for you tailored specifically to your individual goals and artistry ambitions.

Prefer to learn on a One-to-One Basis?